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LEGO Set 10332: Medieval Town Square

22 December 2024

Box front for LEGO set 10332: Medieval Town Square. Box art depicts two clusters of medieval buildings, a tree, and some carts. Various villagers stand around pursuing their respective trades. Set is rated 18+ with 3,304 pieces.

My early Christmas present to myself for 2024. I opened this early because I want to have the time to build it while I'm off from work. A little LEGO building time each day in addition to walking, cooking, movies, and reading sounds like just the thing. This set should make a nice accompaniment to set 10305: Lion Knight's Castle.

Box rear for LEGO set 10332: Medieval Town Square. Box art depicts the dollhouse-style open back sides of two different clusters of medieval buildings. Several closeup photos of the interiors are included.

Bag 1

LEGO cheesemaker's cart, several small builds for a carpenter's workshop, and a female carpenter minifigure

We begin with the carpenter/woodworker minifig and several small builds mostly for her shop, but it also includes a cart selling cheese and bread. I love the storytelling already on view with the 3-legged table (propped up by a stump) and a new table leg turning on the lathe. A stickered tile on the broken table shows plans for a chair, and then we build the exact chair.

Bag 2

Gray stone ground floor of a LEGO building. A blue and white awning shades the entrance and a dark wooden door is visible within. A tree, some mushrooms, and some flowers decorate the grass in front of the entrance.

The ground floor of the woodworker's shop boasts a neat blue and white awning. I especially enjoyed the mushrooms growing on the front lawn.

Bag 3

Roofless gray stone upper floor of a LEGO building with a crane hoisting a wagon wheel. A red bird perches on the arm of the crane.

The upper floor of the woodworker's shop has a folding ladder and a crane to help transfer heavy items.

Bag 4

LEGO two story gray stone woodworker's shop covered with a thatched roof. A two-wheeled peasant's cart carrying a barrel and a pitchfork sits outside.

We build the thatched roof of the woodworker's shop and a small peasant's cart, and with this I believe the woodworker's shop is now complete.

Bag 5

LEGO ground floor of a farmhouse built in the Tudor half-timbered style. The interior features a hearth and a rack holding five spools of yarn.

The ground floor of the farm house is built in the Tudor half-timbered style. There's a hearth and a rack holding different colors of yarn. I appreciate the out-of-context chopsticks hanging from one wall.

Bag 6

LEGO darkly thatched farmhouse roof with an inset white half-circle window.

The farmhouse roof gets a dark thatched treatment with an inset half-circle window.

Bag 7

Exterior of LEGO darkly thatched farmhouse featuring a garden with carrots, pumpkins, beehive, and a pail of water. A LEGO minifig of an older man with wavy gray hair holds a pair of shears.

The farmhouse gets a garden complete with a beehive and even a bee.

Interior of LEGO farmhouse featuring a loom depicting a scene with a castle and knights jousting. A LEGO minifig of an older man with wavy gray hair holds a pair of shears.

For the interior we get the weaver's loom and a stickered tapestry with a castle scene. This completes the farmhouse and it is attached to the woodworker's shop by a pair of hinges.

Bag 8

Groundfloor of LEGO cheesemaker's shop with a counter full of different kinds of cheese, a white kitten eyeing a pail of milk, and a small boy holding a spoon.

We start building the cheesemaker's shop in a tan and brown half-timbered style. The counter holds many types of cheese. I love the little white kitten.

Bag 9

Roofless but otherwise complete LEGO A-frame cheesemaker's shop in light tan and brown.

We complete the walls of the cheesemaker's shop. I like the high shelf with a bit more cheese plus a random mug.

Bag 10

LEGO cheese maker's shop with light tan and brown half-timbered walls and tan thatched roof with smoking chimney

The cheesemaker's shop gets a thatched roof and chimney.

Bag 11

Garden of LEGO cheesemaker's shop with gray goat, squirrel, water trough, wood rail fence, flowers, and a few stones.

Squirrel and goat! I guess the cheesemaker makes goat cheese. This fenced garden completes the cheesemaker's shop and it is attached via hinges to the other side of the woodworker's shop.

Bag 12

A gnarled and leafy LEGO tree by a patch of water. There are mushrooms, a lily flower, and a frog. A main wearing a brown hood and wolf-insignia tunic carries a crossbow. An axe leans against a saw horse holding a log.

A shady tree with a shady crossbow-toting Wolfpack member loitering beneath it. (The Wolfpack were a short-lived LEGO Castle bad guy sub-theme from the early 90's.)

Bag 13

Foundations of a LEGO tavern. The walls are gray stone and brown wood. Cobbled stone steps form an entryway, and the floor is tiled in dark red and orange.

The foundations for a tavern. The cobbled stone steps leading up to the entrance are especially nice.

Bag 14

Ground floor of a LEGO tavern. Walls are brown wood inset with dark green latticed windows. There is a tapped keg, a lute, and a board game, but only one place to sit.

The ground floor of the tavern comes together with a tapped keg. It's empty, so the barrel filed with transparent yellow tiles on the peasant's cart must be its replacement.